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Monday, December 24, 2012

Buddha Towards Mankind

Gautama Buddha was born c.560 BCE in the city of Kapilavastu (located in present-day southern Nepal).  He was born a prince, and lived an elite existence until, at the age of 30, he saw evidence of suffering.  His conversion came about when he saw “The Four Great Sights” that led him to the conclusion that all human life is suffering.  These four sights were: a man suffering from illness, a man suffering from the infirmities of old age, a corpse, and a Hindu ascetic who had given his life to discovering the cause of human suffering.  He then renounced everything in order to answer the question of why mankind must suffer.  He discovered the answer to this question (known as Enlightenment or Nirvana) under the Bodhi tree at Bodhgaya, India.  After sharing this discovery in his First Sermon in the Deer Park at Sarnarth, the Buddha wandered on foot through the small kingdoms along the middle Ganges River where he preached until his death, around 480 BCE.  Buddhists celebrate the Four Great Events of Buddha’s Life because they are proof that Enlightenment or Nirvana can be achieved by humans in like manner.  Consequently, these events are frequently depicted in Buddhist art:

1.       The Birth - Buddha’s mother dreamt that she would give birth to an extraordinary child who would become a world emperor, known as a Chakravartin.  The Buddha was born from his mother’s right side while she stood in Lumpini Park and held the branch of a tree.  This is the position in which fertility goddesses were sculpturally represented in ancient India.  At birth, the Buddha was not a baby but a small boy who could already walk and talk.  Immediately after his birth, he reportedly took seven steps and said, "I will not be born again"- foretelling his future enlightenment during this lifetime.

2.       The Enlightenment - After the Buddha saw the four sights, he renounced his life and possessions as a prince, left the palace and wandered in northern India with a band of ascetics who were also seeking to discover why man must suffer.  He abandoned their extreme practices after collapsing from starvation due to extreme fasting.  He then started alone on the Middle Path rather than following any extreme spiritual regimen.  After 30 days and nights of meditation alone under the Bodhi tree, he discovered why mankind suffers.  He then formalized his discovery as the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.  Since Enlightenment was the most important event in the Buddha’s life (and also for mankind), it is the most frequently represented event in Buddhist art where the Buddha is shown seated in meditation with his legs crossed.  His right hand rests on the shin of his leg; his fingers point to the ground below him.  This gesture is known as Bhumisparsa mudra (bhumi = earth, parsa = touching, mudra = symbolic hand-position) or Calling the Earth (Goddess) to Witness the Buddha’s perfect conduct in this life as well as in his previous lives – which was the cause of his last temptation to abandon his quest because he may not be worthy due to any misdeed in a former life which he could not remember.  Only the earth itself personified as a goddess could do that.  Hence, the hand gesture (right hand pointing to the earth) calling the Earth (Goddess) to bear witness to his perfect past lives.

3.       The First Sermon - Shortly after Enlightenment, the Buddha preached his first sermon in the Deer Park at Sarnath, northern India.  The Buddha sat with legs crossed before five of his disciples.  Holding both hands before his chest, he created circles with his fingers while explaining his philosophy of suffering and release.  Hence this hand gesture is known as dharmachakra mudra (dharma = the way or law, chakra = wheel) or Turning the Wheel of the Law because it began the unfolding of the Buddhist doctrine in our cycle of time.

4.       The Death - The Buddha died a very human death – we believe from dysentery – which is yet another indication that he was not a god but a mortal.  He expressly told his disciples that he did not wish to be memorialized by the erection of images as if he was a god but, rather, he wanted to be remembered for his philosophy, the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path.  His ashes were placed in four reliquaries that were then interred under four great earthen mounds, the exterior forms of which were made to represent the eight belongings allowed a Buddhist monk – symbols of renouncing the desires of everyday life – and thus architecturally indicating the way to Enlightenment.  These solid reliquary mounds are known as stupas and continue to be created in vast numbers by devout Buddhists to gain merit to improve their individual karma in order to obtain Nirvana in a future rebirth.

The Four Noble Truths:
        1. Life is suffering
        2. Suffering is caused by desire
        3. There is a way to overcome desire
        4. That way is the 8 Fold Path:
The 8 Fold Path:
1. Right knowledge
2. Right aspiration
3. Right speech
4. Right behavior
5. Right livelihood
6. Right effort
7. Right mindfulness
8. Right absorption


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